What can Healthy Food Marketers Learn from these Millennial-loving Legacy Brands

Legacy Brands, it’s no secret you’re running to catch up with the newer, sexier brands. I’ve been discussing your hip and beautifully packaged competitors’ brands for a while. But the good news is, not all Legacy Brands are losing the battle to the new guys. There’s a lot to learn from Brands that are succeeding. As a more experienced brand, you have inherent strengths you can use to win over today’s consumers. See how these three powerful brands are beating the odds and opening themselves up to Millennials.

Haagen-Dazs is Getting a Makeover

Haagen-Dazs is over 50 years old. Everyone knows it but with brands like low calorie Halo Top and the flavor-innovators over at Jenni’s, the competition is fierce. To make themselves relevant, Haagen-Dazs is making moves with its packaging. This allows consumers to see the brand as vibrant, modern and most of all shareable. In this visual world of “doing it for the Gram,” Haagen-Dazs is looking to move away from “classy and stuffy.” Change in any capacity is definitely a good thing for Haagen-Dazs, and in this case, it’s actually beautiful, thanks to the illustrations by Andrew Wagner. But Marketers, we all know a makeover alone isn’t enough. Cleaning up ingredients is a definitely a trend to consider. In the meantime, this spot featuring Pharrell Williams and some very well dressed Millennials, shows off mini pints and stick bars, that are designed to relieve some of the guilt that a digging into a full pint creates.

Coca-Cola Gets Progressive & Sustainable & Nostalgic

This Coca-Cola spot was listed as one of the best of 2017 from Adweek. It has a little bit of everything that Millennials love; a forward thinking, progressive message, a hint of nostalgia, and the“hashtagable” tagline #TasteTheFeeling, wraps this spot up with a bow. That’s not all this legendary brand has been up to this year. In July, they created this campaign that boasts a sustainable packaging strategy to push more people to recycle. All brands (healthy and unhealthy) can learn from these forward thinking approaches.

Cheetos Lured Millennials to Their Pop Up Restaurant

Are Millennials into being healthy? Yes. Do they also love to indulge in ridiculous, “Instagrammable” food? Absolutely. Cheetos was formed in 1948 and it’s a Legacy Brand that happens to be killing it with Millennials. A few years back they created the Cheetos Museum, which won five Lions at Cannes. Just wait until you see what they’re up to now. Cheetos made a connection with millennials by opening up a pop up restaurant with Cheeto encrusted dishes in NYC. Cheetos is old enough to be the Grandma of a Millennial, but if a brand is irresistible enough (And works hard to excite and delight their consumers), age is just a number.These are just 3 Legacy Brands that are listening to Millennials, watching their competitors closely and making innovation a priority. Marketers, these examples are stellar and they are not beyond your capabilities. If you missed our webinar this week When Love Isn't Enough. How To Make Your Legacy Brand Irresistible to Millennials, take a look. It’s a deep dive into Millennials and the trends, brands and campaigns that they are currently connecting with.If you’re a Legacy Brand that needs to connect with Millennials ASAP, let’s talk. I can help.


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