4 Things About Millennial Marketing Your Brand Can’t Live Without

Millennials. They’re on my mind, your mind, on every single marketer’s mind. And they should be. After all Millennials are spending $600 Billion dollars a year. So if you haven’t registered for our webinar next week, now’s your chance. You’ll find out what really matters to Millennials and what they need most from you. We’ll also tell you exactly how to connect with Millennials and stay connected for the long haul.Until then, here is some of my favorite, must-have Millennial info to whet your appetite. I pulled highlights of my most popular posts on marketing to Millennials into one place. Here are 4 things you need to know about marketing to this coveted demographic.

1. Millennial parents are a shopping breed of their own.

Just today I saw a Millennial friend’s Facebook post saying she only shops two places for her family: her local co-op and Costco. This is so on-trend and on-budget for Millennial parents. Marketers, you need to know exactly why Millennials love club shopping. Find out here.

2. Millennials want brands to embody what matters to them.

In order to get Millennials to run towards your brand, you need to be the right combination of all the things that matter to them: their aesthetic (hello Instagram), their values and their desire for experiences. And the great news is, if you’re willing to do all those things, they are willing to pay more. How do I know? I just spent a summer learning from a bunch of Millennial interns - this is stuff you can’t get in the trades. This is straight from an actual Millennial.

3. Millennials have the power to redefine categories.

Just look what they did in the supplement space. They’re obsessed with nutrition and passionate about alternative health. Not in the immediate health and wellness category? Doesn’t matter. Because the way Millennials shop for and use supplements has reinvented the entire category. There are insights here you could apply to any category. The way Millennials demand transparency informs the way they shop for and experience every category. Learn more here now.

4. Millennials have the power to transform a product into a phenomena.

Can you say Rosé? It used to be just another wine. Now it’s a way of life, influencing everything from color to a whole season of the year. It’s just one example of how Millennials lead a highly-curated way of life, speaks to their willingness to spend, adventure and enjoy life. And of course splurge, both with their dollars and their calories. It’s a powerful peek into the Millennial mind. Go ahead, take a look.All of this points to one staggering fact: in 2018, Millennials will have the most spending power of any generation. If this isn’t incentive to learn even more about them, I don’t know what is. There’s still time to register for our webinar, where you’ll learn how to catch Millennials and keep them.


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