The Scary, Exciting Small Brand Journey

Why do I love the small and start-up brands?Yes, they are challenged in some ways: Smaller (sometimes nonexistent) budgets, a smaller team that is stretched in a million directions, way more competition, the challenges at retail, the list goes on.The pressure to succeed quickly is enormous and, every day that they don’t brings them one day closer to running out of money or disappointing investors. Talk about a pressure cooker.But that’s also the beauty of small brands. They don’t have the time or the money to spend months or years figuring out how to go to market. They don’t feel the need to test everything they do into mediocrity. They don’t have millions of dollars to spend on research insights and media.But what they do have is the incredible fire of an entrepreneur. The willingness to trust their gut.The passion to take risks and make a difference. They are exciting and scary. Who wouldn’t want to work with a brand like that?My passion for helping small brands grow inspired me to find ways to help them get the kinds of data and insights big brands have access to in order to make better decisions around positioning, messaging, creative and media.That’s why we created I-Factor.I-Factor is a game-changer. It’s fast, it’s affordable and you don’t need a masters degree to understand it. It’s a tool that gives small brands the data, insights and real-time social listening that until now only big brands had access to.The I-Factor digital platform talks directly to consumers who are interested in your type of brand and delivers quantifiable data and insights that unlock the consumer subconscious to uncover the why behind the buy. It literally inspires confidence and excitement among brand leadership, investors and retailers by quantifying brand potential.So let the big brands stick to the old, slow, trusted methods. They can wait around for insights that are already irrelevant by the time they get them. I-Factor is the tool for brands that know they can get the data and insights they need in a more modern way.Are you ready to take your brand to the next level? Looking for research to help you figure out how to get there? You’ve come to the right place. Let’s talk.

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