Marketing healthy foods in today’s fragmented world

If you are a marketer, you know the days of messaging to a homogeneous target and broad/umbrella are gone. In order to break through and make a real connection today, all brands must understand this super-fragmented communication landscape. They need to leverage their available platforms to meet consumers right where they are and pinpoint the right message for that particular medium. That is no easy task, even when marketing healthy food. We now live in a world where consumers are becoming increasingly complex; gender lines are blurred, stereotypical roles have been turned on their heads…and yet the expectation for a personalized connection from brands continues to grow. In fact, it’s now essential for building a deep, meaningful relationship with consumers. And if this demand is important for big brands in the food space, it’s even more important for brands in the healthy food space. One size does NOT fit all. For example, all generations may agree that quinoa is the “it” food, but the reasons why Millennials are eating it are totally different than the Baby Boomer generation. So when healthy food brands have a true understanding of WHY consumers choose the foods they do, they will make better, more authentic connections. 

So where does a brand begin?


  1. Truly get to know all your targets.This kind of niche targeting was inefficient, especially in the world of TV and print. But with so many options to connect in digital, social and mobile, the more targeted and specific a brand is, the better the connection. That means getting a better understanding up front about the nuances of each of your targets. Why specifically do they purchase and consume what they do? What values do they gravitate to? Making a kind of personal connection means brands demand even better strategic planning in the up front.
  2. Be where your consumers are.This isn’t just for some brands anymore. It’s what’s expected. Brands need to be where consumers are. 24/7. Consumers want to be part of the on-going conversation. They should be bumping into your brand in places they frequent. And they need to be heard, not talked at.
  3. Don’t be generic with your message.Digital, social and mobile have many incredible benefits. You can see and be seen much more efficiently, but there’s definitely a right way and a wrong way. Right now, many brands are marketing healthy food the wrong way. Cutting and pasting the same messaging across platforms is wasting your consumer’s time and your money. But by tackling the up front, strategic and creative work can give an opportunity to make strong connections. Really smart brands can get their consumers working on their behalf by turning them into influencers and brand ambassadors.

 Getting personal with consumers will help you create the right content in the right places. It may seem like a daunting task, but the potential reward will be enormous to your brand. Check out my twitter for more tips on marketing healthy food in this fragmented world. Having the right conversations with the right people can exponentially multiply modest budgets.


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