Who Should Your Brand Really Be Talking To? Find Out With I-Factor

With The Fancy Food Show a month away, I was thinking about which brands would be launching new products and quickly came to the realization that any of the brands I have come across lately, literally any, could be there. In the past, brands that were exhibiting at Fancy Food were truly “specialty” brands that focused on one type of product that was really different and “fancy”. That got me thinking - were the brands I saw at ExpoWest, the world's largest natural, organic and healthy products event, back in March only natural products? And are the brands that will be at the FounderMade Consumer Discovery Show, for next generation brands to break out, really new?Probably not, because these days every brand is a specialty brand, every brand is launching new products, and they are everywhere. Three shows with three completely different stated objectives, all have the same brands featured. The brands are trying to be specialty, healthy, and new, but the real question is, is it actually possible to succeed with the consumers in all of these categories at once?The Fancy Food Show is the “premier showcase for industry innovation” and its purpose is to let attendees see and taste the future of food, but on this year’s exhibiting list are a bunch of brands you might not expect to see given that description including legacy brands like Barilla, and new health-oriented brands like Caulipower, and Harmless Harvest. When I visited ExpoWest in March, Caulipower and Harmless Harvest were there, too. And so was Barilla! Even at the FounderMade Consumer Discovery Show, established brands like KIND, Chobani, and Rx are exhibiting too and showing off new products in an effort to reach distributors and retailers that are looking for something new, even if it is from a brand they already know.I don’t believe we need to be all things to all people. And I don’t actually think we can be. One of my favorite thought leaders Seth Godin talks about a "minimum viable audience" and how “when you seek to engage with everyone, you rarely delight anyone”. The way to really succeed is to just focus on being really really good at what you are doing for the people who truly need the thing that you’re making. It makes your quality, your story and your impact exponentially better.So how do you get really, really clear and focused on a story so compelling, the right consumers can’t help but remember, want and share you? One of the easiest ways is to use a quantitative tool like I-Factor® to gather data and insights about who you really should be talking to in order to get the best possible return. And you can be pretty certain it isn’t everyone. To provide not only quantitative data on how consumers really feel about your brand but also to uncover the why’s behind the data to help you build your most compelling brand story for your optimal consumer. Want to learn more? Let’s talk.

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Brands Doing Pride Right


How I-Factor Can Help Your Brand Bounce Back