Healthy Marketing Brands Are Taking on Collective Wellness

Collective Wellness could be one of the answers. How could anyone argue that Collective wellness, or wellness by community is an incredible perk for health minded employees of a company. But what collective wellness says about a company could be an incredible boost for the brand itself and healthy food marketers are taking note. Today brands have to be about more than what they sell and how much profit they make. What they are about has tremendous influence on consumer loyalty. Consumers (especially those focused on health) gravitate towards brands that stand for a healthy lifestyle and believe in taking care of each other.The increasing amount of health and wellness programs for hardworking employees to be a part of, prove that great brands are going above and beyond making a sale. Here are what a few of my favorites are doing.Honest Tea, INC employees are the recipients of weekly fresh fruit deliveries and they get to work with a wellness coach who presents health seminars in the office. Employees get rewarded for their healthy habits and receive Whole Foods gift certificates every quarter. That’s amazing.Johnson & Johnson were pioneers in collective wellness. Their employees are provided with HealthMedia products including stress management programs, smoking cessation programs, and weight loss programs. They’ve been offering these programs since 2003.  This means healthy food marketers need to catch up.Earth Friendly Products is one of the healthiest companies in America. This company leverages their wellness strategy with a program called RE-Parties; Staff members can swap their clothes and household items. The company also rewards “green” behaviors by offering employees the option to trade in their car for an environmentally friendly one. They could even get a $1000.00 bonus for moving closer to their office facility.KIND Healthy Snacks isn’t just Kind in name. The KIND Healthy Snacks office has a wellness room where employees can go if they’re not feeling well or if they just need a place to rest. They also have a kid friendly office filled with beanbag chairs, toys, and a TV so parents can bring their kids to work. A culture team offers product samplings to show employees the healthy options available at the local grocery store.In 2003 when J&J started their wellness plan, they were probably the only ones who knew about it, but today’s consumer seems to want to choose brands that care about more than just what they sell. Kudos to these amazing brands and healthy food marketers. They should be an inspiration to us all.


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