Marketing Healthy Snack Foods

According to Nielson data, “Out of the 2,000 products in the nutritional bar category, six of the top 10 fastest-selling products are KIND bars.” KIND has hit the nail on the head in marketing to Millennials, who have made snacking a part of their life. How have their health food marketers done it?chart

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 1. Make eating on the go healthy and delicious

Millennials have a strong desire, greater than any previous generation, to be healthy. They also don’t like to compromise. They want to have their busy lifestyle but still have the ability to eat healthy on the go. According to Candy & Snack Today, “the energy and nutrition bar segment grew 14% last year and is projected to grow at an even faster rate through 2016.”

KIND paints a very healthy picture by showcasing natural ingredients in their advertising, and with their transparent packaging. Their actual ingredients aren’t as diced up as others, which allows the consumer to actually see whole ingredients. This makes the Millennial consumer more trusting of their products and helps them know exactly what is going into their bodies.  Something that other health food marketers should adopt.

2. Stand for something more

KIND not only encourages their consumers to be “kind to their bodies” but also to “participate in unexpected acts of kindness.” However, KIND founder, Daniel Lubetzky admits that a quality product, not social missions, will sell their products. He says, “We don't want to try to convince everyone to buy our product because we are nice or because of our social mission.” But at the end of the day, such a mission makes them stand out and appeal to Millennials on the next level.

3. Don’t forget the Millennial Men

KIND took an interesting step in 2014, targeting men with their “Strong & Kind” product line. When they learned that Millennial men weren’t as drawn to what they perceived to be “dainty”, “sweet”, and “pretty” snack bars, they introduced savory flavors with high doses of protein.

They even found a social message to send with their new product to combat the issue that young men failed to associate kindness with masculinity. They created the “Strong & Kind Pledge” with mantras like “I pledge to look out for those who can’t look out for themselves" and "I pledge to have the courage to be kind when others may not.” In return, KND donated $1 million to the Durant foundation, a charity for at-risk-youth.

KIND’s marketing should be motivation to brands and health food marketers to capitalize on the healthy snack craze and find new ways to target Millennials and cast a wider net.


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