Interview with David Habib— Founder and CEO of Yo Mama’s

“You just sit down and you’re like, “Why am I doing this?” and then there’s other times where you understand the overall mission and you are creating jobs and you are feeding families and you’re doing something that’s so much greater than whatever problem is on your screen, right? I think that that’s an important framework …” I am delighted to have David Habib, Founder and CEO of Yo Mama’s Foods on this episode of The Irresistible Factor. Yo Mama’s is a brand on a mission to bring people delicious, healthy food made with only the ingredients mom has in her pantry. His claim to fame started with a delicious tomato sauce, and now includes a variety of pasta sauce flavors, along with salad dressings and other condiments like ranch, ketchup, and buffalo sauce. David took the ultimate risk-founding a company with no prior experience or knowledge of the CPG industry.  He learned quickly (and sometimes expensively)but through the process, was able to find the right people and the right partners that believed in him and supported his brand.   You’ll hear what motivated him to take the plunge and leave his corporate job to launch a business at only 24 years old, and his difficult yet exciting journey thus far. David tells us about challenges around finding manufacturers who believed in the brand, why they now own all of their supplier relationships, and how they have managed to build the right economics and infrastructure to create sustainable long-term growth all without any outside funding.   Stick around until the end to hear the tools David uses to cope with the stresses of being an entrepreneur, and why he believes it is so important to build creative time into your schedule. Tune in to hear all of this and more from an inspiring young guest! Listen to The Irresistible Factor’s Interview with David Habib, Founder & CEO of Yo Mama’s.  Here’s what you won’t want to miss from our conversation: 

  • What motivated him to create a brand inspired by how his mom cooked
  • Establishing, distributing, and scaling his products with no prior experience
  • David’s POV on bootstrapping,  creating sustainable growth, and raising capital
  • His recent commitment to setting boundaries around mental and physical health

Links mentioned in this episode:  David T. Habib on LinkedIn Yo Mama’s Foods Shopify Wholefoods The Irresistible Factor Podcast  Sawtooth Group 


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